The Sad Truth 💔

Hi there.

its been awhile huh? my last update was on Feb last year i guess 😂 well, things surely changed a lot since then. but life must goes on.

oh by the way, there's something that i wanted to share with you all. this is from an article. i hope you enjoy it. toddles!

Falling in love is one of the most brutally awakening experiences one can endure. When you meet someone you click with, it often seems like nothing else matters to you – it’s you and them against the entire world and you couldn’t give a f*ck what anyone else thinks.
Do you stay with someone you’re madly in love with, even though you can’t see them being the end-all be-all of your life? Or, do you prematurely leave, because you don’t want to waste your time on someone who cannot provide a solid foundation for a future with you?
The truth is – there is no right answer. There is no universal truth to dealing with this kind of complex situation. You can love someone with every inch of your soul, every inch of your being, and they can still not be the right person for you, for the rest of your life.
It’s up to you to decide.
Are you willing to stay with someone you love, because you love them, and risk the chance of it ending in heartbreak – having to start all over again with someone new?
On average, people spend over a year or two together before realizing that they are with the “wrong person,” or, that the person they are with has no place in their future. They start to see bigger flaws, issues that will hinder their growth and the relationships growth – or realize, they cannot marry this person or start a family with them.
Here’s the honest truth:
Just because you love someone with every inch of your being, doesn’t mean it will work out perfectly in the end. Most relationships aren’t perfect – actually, no relationship is perfect. Every couple has their own issues, quirks, problems they need to fix and work out. That doesn’t stop them from being together, though.
Stay with someone because your love is strong enough to overcome struggles, obstacles, battles and change. Stay with someone you are willing to compromise for and who is willing to do the same.
Last but not least, who ever said love was easy?

Love, Lynne xoxo ❤️

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