hey CHI ~

hey ho , lets go !

sorry yea lame xupdate . agak bz cket . yelaa . almaklumlaa broadband+laptop tade . so berharap kt lab comp kt kolej jew .

maafkan sayer :p

neway . dlm beberape ary aku ilang xtimbul , byk story nk cite kt kowg . tp , xckup tyme laaa nk cite . insyaAllah besok aku cite . nantikan jelaa ea post aku esok ?

but ,

aku ase nak cite gak cket . neh psl membe baek aku . dye saket gastrik and disahkan maybe akn dpt apendiks . hmm . sedih kott . aku tataw cmane jd kt aku if dye tade :'( tuh jew laa yg aku nk cite . ntah ape2x kn ? bengong punye lynne :p

siyesly ,

i lurf my friends so damn much !


new incoming picca :) t aku upload yer . pendrive lupe lak nk bwk . wekk . maaf yea ?

ohh yeah .

ary neh plan nk wat photoshoot kt tasek area hostel kitowg . arap2x menjadi lerr . agak kesukaan laa bab2x photoshoot neh . hehehe :)

oke babe . im off to Clinical biochemistry class . 

p/s : i cant help falling in <3 with you every second , every minute , every hour , every day :)

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